Air Cooler

The Air-cooled heat exchanger (Air cooler) is a device for rejecting heat from a fluid or gas directly to ambient air. When cooling both fluids and gases, there are two sources readily available, with a relatively low cost, to transfer heat to air and water. The noticeable advantage of an air cooler is that it does not require water, which means that it is not needed to locate the equipment near supply of cooling water. In addition, the problems associated with treatment and disposal of water have become more costly with government regulations and environmental concerns
- Easy installation
- Low maintenance costs
- Flexibility for any plants
- Low environmental impacts
The applications for air cooled heat exchangers cover a wide range of industries and products like oil, gas, petrochemical plants and refineries, Gas compressor packages, gas condensation (propane, refrigerants, etc.), Steam condensers (used in power plants & process applications).
The air cooled heat exchangers consist of the following components:
- Fin tubes, tube bundle
- Header
- Fan
- A driver and speed reduction device
- Plenum
- Supporting structure
- Guards for rotating equipment & protection of the tube bundle
- Louvers for outlet process temperature control
- Steam coil
- Recirculation system
- Stack – natural draft